About Biosistemak

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So far Biosistemak has created 1150 blog entries.

Biosistemak is present at the World Congress on Health Economics

By |2023-08-22T10:12:32+01:0023 August 2023|

The congress was held from 8th to 12th of July at the International Convention Centre in Cape Town, South Africa. The 15th World Congress of Health Economics of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA) was held for the first time in Africa. Held every two years, the iHEA congress is the only global forum for [...]

Biosistemak (formerly Kronikgune) participates in the XLII edition of the Conference of the Health Economics Association (AES in spanish)).

By |2023-08-21T15:33:06+01:0021 August 2023|

The conference was held from 5 to 7 July 2023 at the University of Girona. Under the slogan "Towards a sustainable, innovative and digital health system", the scientific program of the conference aimed to focus on the most relevant challenges and opportunities of the new post-Covid era, taking up priorities prior to the pandemic and [...]

Defence of a Master’s Final Paper on Value-Based Care in the framework of the VOICE Community

By |2023-08-04T13:13:48+01:004 August 2023|

The work entitled Tools for Benchmarking from Value-Based Medicine: Archetypes and Patient Classification was defended at the Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-Universitat de Barcelona. On the 16th of June Maialen Otamendi Garitano, graduate in Mathematics (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU) and student of the Master in Statistics and [...]

The Women for Africa Foundation launches the 9th call for applications for the «Ellas Investigan» programme.

By |2023-07-21T13:44:38+01:0021 July 2023|

This programme aims to contribute to the development of Africa through the promotion of women. The Foundation Women for Africa (FMxA) has recently launched the 9th edition of the programme SCIENCE BY WOMEN with the aim of promoting the leadership of African women in scientific research, encouraging technology transfer and improving the capacity of [...]

JADECARE presented at the UK Health Services Research Conference (HSR-UK23)

By |2023-07-21T13:31:31+01:0014 July 2023|

The conference was held on 4-6 July 2023 in Birmingham, UK.  The prestigious University of Birmingham organises the Health Services Research UK 2023 conference. It is a space that aims to give voice to UK health services research and brings together professionals and managers working to improve and innovate the NHS health system. The event [...]

ADLIFE project holds its 6th plenary meeting

By |2023-06-30T12:07:15+01:0030 June 2023|

The consortium meeting was held on 14 and 15 June 2023 in Hamburg, Germany. The 6th plenary meeting of the European project ADLIFE, organised by the partner Optimedis, has served to monitor and share the progress of the project, to review the main achievements to date, as well as to share the problems and difficulties [...]

Biosistemak Institute (formerly Kronikgune) participates in the conference «The Future of Innovation in Health» organised by Roche.

By |2023-06-29T14:53:04+01:0028 June 2023|

The event was held on 27 June 2023 at the new headquarters in Barcelona, Campús Sant Cugat del Vallés.  The main objective of the event "The Future of Innovation in Healthcare" was to celebrate the opening of the new centre in Barcelona and to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the main Research and Development [...]

El Instituto Biosistemak (antes Kronikgune) forma parte del Comité Científico-Organizador del XII Taller EvaluAES

By |2023-06-29T14:58:04+01:0026 June 2023|

The event took place on 12 May at the Biosistemak headquarters in the Bilbao Exhibition Centre (BEC) in Barakaldo. The EvaluAES group organized its annual workshop on Health Policy and Service Evaluation Research in the Basque Country. The main objective of this new edition was to promote multidisciplinary exchange between researchers, as well as to [...]

JADECARE Joint Action presented at European Implementation Event

By |2023-06-19T15:38:39+01:0019 June 2023|

The event took place on 8-9 June 2023 in Basel, Switzerland. The European Implementation Event 2023, (https://implementation.eu/european-implementation-event-2023/) coordinated by the European Implementation Collaborative (EIC), aims to create a European community of practitioners, researchers and policymakers with knowledge and experience in implementation to improve the quality of life for all people. The EIC aims to be [...]

The implementation strategy developed in JADECARE project is presented by Biosistemak (formely Kronikgune) at the 1st Implementation Science Research Conference.

By |2023-06-29T15:08:59+01:0019 June 2023|

The event was held from 12 to 14 June 2023 in Bilbao. The 1st Implementation Research Scientific Conference promoted and organized by the Biobizkaia Institute (formerly Biocruces Bizkaia) brought together more than 170 researchers and healthcare professionals from different countries specializing in the area of implementation. One of the topics addressed and discussed during [...]