- Full name: InnovaTion in Health And Care for All
- The project aims to encourage improvements in regional policies supporting the ecosystem (public authorities, industry, academia and society) in order to create knowledge and deploy innovative health and care solutions to benefit European citizens.

- Full name: Network for Technology, Innovation and Translation in Ageing.
- The aim o the project is to exchange of knowledge and good practices in relation to the development of policies that can promote the design and use of innovative technological solutions for active ageing.

- Participation in the “Corporate document for the design, implementation and evaluation of assistance routes in Osakidetza”.
- Collaboration in the development of educational materials for patients and training for professionals on “Stratification” and the “Kronik ON Program”.

Mujeres por África
- Collaboration in the 5th edition of “Ellas Investigan” programme
- Hosting an African researcher for six months in 2020.

Multimorbid patients and Artificial Intelligence
- Call: FISS grants
- Partners: IHO Tolosaldea, Biodonostia Institute, Bioef eta Kronikgune.
- Development and evaluation of personalized pathways for multimorbid patients through artificial intelligence.