Research and innovation is a strategic line for the Ministry of Health of the Basque Government and Osakidetza Basque Health Services. The Health Research and Innovation Strategy 2022-2025 strengthens the foundations and aligns the centres for research and innovation in the system.

Within the strategic framework of action of the IIS in the Basque Healthcare System, and under the priority lines established and promoted by the Ministry of Health of the Basque Government, the fundamental aim of the Biosistemak Institute is to promote and carry out research into management and organisation in health and social healthcare services, aligned with the policies of the competent department of health that seek to continuously adapt and transform the healthcare system, keeping people at the centre of the system and including the challenges derived from old age, chronicity and dependency.

European Projects
and Initiatives
Projects and Initiatives
Carlos III Health Institute
Basque Government
Collaboration with other agents of RVCTI network