Projects and Initiatives Carlos III Health Institute

Funding body:

Projects funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIIII) and co-funded by the European Union.

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF):  

The European Regional Development Fund is one of the European Union’s structural funds, which finances productive investments that create or maintain jobs; investments that provide basic services to the citizen in the fields of energy, environment, transport and ICTs; investments in social, health, research, innovation, business and educational infrastructure; investments that support regional and local development.

The Carlos III Health Institute manages aid co-financed by the ERDF and participates as an Intermediate Body in the Multi-Regional Operational Programme. This Operational Programme aims to “contribute to the improvement and recovery of the competitiveness of the Spanish economy, through the promotion of a more intelligent growth model, supported by research, innovation and ICT, with special attention to the needs and potential of SMEs”. More information can be found at this link:

Funded projects:  

  • ISCIII Project – PI18/00674: Risk factors for adverse results during monitoring over two to five years for a prospective cohort of breast cancer patients CAMISS II multicentre study
  • ISCIII Project – PI18/00698: Assessment of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an intervention in hospitalised patients with disease-related malnutrition
  • ISCIII Project – PI18/00938: Study on the impact of high blood pressure on mortality by any cause and due to cardiovascular disorders in the general population
  • ISCIII Project – PI18/01438: Identification of multimorbid patients with a higher probability of re-admission and mortality Role of the patient-related variables
  • ISCIII Project – PI18/01589: Identification of risk factors for adverse events and quality of life in survivors of colon and rectal cancers at 8 and 10 years post-surgery follow-up
  • ISCIII Project- COV20/00459: Clinical characterisation of Covid-19: prognostic stratification and complications
  • ISCIII Project – PI21/01742: PAtient-Centred Outcomes and Resource Utilisation after noncardiac Surgery-S (Spain) (PACORUS-S)
  • ISCIII Project – PI21/00674: Study of health status and quality of life in patients surviving colon and rectal cancer at 12 years post-surgery follow-up
  • ISCIII Project- PI21/00824: COVID-19, evolution in patients and influence of the pandemic on health care and its outcomes in chronic pathologies outcomes in chronic pathologies