The aim of the Biosistemak Institute is to promote and carry out research into management and organisation in health and social care systems, in line with the policies of the competent Department of Health, which seek to continuously adapt and transform the health system, keeping people at the centre of the system and including the challenges arising from old age, chronicity and dependency.
The Biosistemak Institute will advance in the evaluation of health policies and services, the development of intervention models, the dissemination and analysis of change and the implementation of health services, which will allow a greater effectiveness, equity, efficiency and security of the Health System.
In order to achieve this goal, and after complying with the established legal requirements, the Biosistemak Institute has the following specific activities:
- To promote and develop research in health and socio-health services, taking advantage of the capabilities of Osakidetza and facilitating connections with other agents.
- To train professionals in health services research by creating groups and encouraging the professional development of young researchers in this field.
- Through health services research, to provide a scientific basis for health system programmes and policies in the aforementioned areas.
- Emphasis on applied and translational research, oriented towards the generation of economic and social value.
- To disseminate and apply the results of research, giving priority to applied research and its transfer to clinical practice and health management, as well as, where appropriate, to public health programmes and social innovation.
- To collaborate with other agents to contribute to the generation of social and economic value in the Basque Country.
- To contribute to positioning the health system and the Basque Country as an international benchmark in the areas to which the Association is dedicated.