Basque Government projects

Funding body:  

Ministry of Health of the Basque Government

Ministry of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government

“Grants for Health Research and Development Projects: Promotion of Health Research”, Ministry of Health of the Basque Government: 

The beneficiaries of these grants are exclusively agents of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network (RVCTI) accredited in the categories of the Healthcare Research Institutes and Health R&D Organisations.  There are four types of projects:

  • Promotion of emerging groups: projects developed by teams whose Principal Investigator (PI) was born in 1973 or later and has not taken part as PI in previous projects funded by a competitive call for proposals.
  • Healthcare services research projects: projects in the fields of healthcare policy assessment; process and result assessment; help for decision-making; development and assessment of organisational models.
  • Biomedical projects: essential health research projects carried out in collaboration within the healthcare system, with the main aim of gaining new knowledge of underlying basics of observable phenomena and facts, joining existing healthcare capabilities; or health technological development projects, with the goal of carrying our concept tests for projects that can be transferred.
  • Integrated healthcare projects: funding for a single research project jointly carried out by the three Health Research Institutes (Bioaraba, Biocruces Bizkaia and Biodonostia) in any of the strategic areas of common interest, aligned with healthcare policies, and with a clear justification of the necessary contribution made by each institute, resulting in the generation or reinforcement of critical mass or of distinctive strengths, and in more united capabilities within the Basque public healthcare system.

Hazitek calls – Ministry of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government:  

It constitutes a series of grants to support Industrial Research or Experimental Development Projects. The projects, both competitive and strategic, must be developed in the Basque business sector, and in the areas of specialisation included in the framework of the Euskadi 2020 Science, Technology and Innovation Plan.

Funded projects: