The event was held on 27 September 2023 in Budapest (Hungary) in a hybrid format and with the participation of more than 60 people.
The JADECARE Joint Action, coordinated at the European level by Biosistemak, has been framed in the path towards the transformation of healthcare in Europe, in strengthening health authorities in the incorporation of digitally enabled integrated care. For three years the project has worked to support the transfer of best practices between EU countries, enabling the countries and organizations participating in the Joint Action to benefit from innovative solutions with proven effectiveness.
JADECARE has succeeded in improving collaboration and trust between participating partners; supporting knowledge transfer and learning; contributing to the creation of innovative, efficient, and sustainable integrated health systems; achieving the digital transformation of health services by implementing actions towards integrated care; and ensuring the sustainability of policies at local, regional and national level by increasing their performance and care outcomes.
Since 2020 and for three years, the Joint Action (JA) has been transferring and adopting four Best Practices (from the Basque Country, Catalonia, Denmark, and Germany) in 21 European contexts and health systems. To this end, a three-phase strategy (pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation) has been defined, which has allowed the development of different action plans and interventions to adapt and transfer these Best Practices. Within the framework of the project, activities such as the SWOT analysis have been carried out, which has allowed the identification of more than 165 needs and the design of different actions. Likewise, more than 350 indicators have been defined to monitor the implementation process of the action plans of the adopters of the good practices, subsequently carrying out the post-implementation analysis with the SQUIRE 2.0 tool. Throughout this process of scaling up good practices, we highlight the study visits, thematic workshops and other types of courses organized between the participating organizations for the exchange and transfer of knowledge.
The action plans defined in the 21 European contexts, based on the four original JADECARE Best Practices, have allowed to building and implementation of 64 projects, small best practices, deployed at local, regional, and national levels. As a result, the work carried out aims to have a real impact on more than 4 million people at the European level.
The final project meeting also served to organize the last JADECARE Stakeholder Forum. This forum aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences and the creation of knowledge networks between JADECARE participating organizations and relevant stakeholders.
Over three years, different meetings have been organized between external stakeholders, including representatives from health systems, researchers, and academia interested in collaborating with the JA to discuss the status and achievements of JADECARE, emerging issues, as well as other ideas, solutions, and networking possibilities. The forums have also involved leading healthcare industries to contribute to the improvement of competitiveness and economic growth opportunities for the EU industry.
The main theme of the last forum organized in Budapest was “Person-centred and digitally enabled integrated care – Sustainability of implementations”. The objectives of this meeting were:
– present the experiences, learnings, and achievements of JADECARE and share the sustainability plans of some Next Adopters to maintain and further develop their local good practices of digitally enabled person-centered care. Four organizations have presented their experiences, learnings, and sustainability actions and plans developed in the framework of the project: Agenzia Regionale Sanitaria Tuscany (ARS Toscana, Italy), Semmelweis University Health Services Management Training Centre (SU-HSMTC), Dienststelle Selbstbestimmtes Leben, (DSL, Belgium) and Salud de Castilla y León (SACYL, Spain).
– discuss stakeholder involvement and needs to make digital solutions that support integrated patient-centered care pathways sustainable and sustainable, in order to become an everyday reality in their systems
– share and discuss the challenges and new developments in Europe for value-integrated health and social care services and how they can be supported by digital solutions stakeholders that have been involved (mostly organisations and countries).
An ambitious and transformative project at the European level, which has involved the participation of more than 45 organisations from 16 European countries, will end this 2023. JADECARE, a Joint Action funded by the Third Health Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union, and coordinated at the European level and at the state level by Biosistemak, with the aim of promoting collaboration between EU Member States to address the implementation of comprehensive and person-centered care through digital solutions.
Visit the official website of JADECARE to know in-depth about the project: