The congress was held on February 22nd, 2024 at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona.
Under the slogan “Patients and professionals: co-creating better health experiences”, the V edition of the Patient Experience Congress has established itself as a reference in Spain in the field of patient experience. The event, which took place on February 22, 2024 at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, brought together healthcare professionals, researchers, patients and caregivers to share knowledge and experiences related to improving the quality of healthcare.
Biosistemak was present at the fifth round table entitled “PRO, PRE and SROI”. Borja García-Lorenzo, Health Economist of Biosistemak, presented the paper “Benchmarking in Healthcare in Value: methods and challenges”. In it, he narrated the journey and experience of the international VOICE community to advance in the implementation of Value Based Healthcare (VBHC), from the design of a proof of concept of benchmarking between centers and patients from the perspective of VBHC, through methodological developments for the analysis of results reported by patients to Porter’s value equation. The presentation also served to share and unveil the planning of the exchange of best practices that is planned to take place in the VOICE community using the benchmarking results. Finally, he reflected on the inclusion of the patient experience, the objective of a new project in ASBV that Biosistemak is starting this year.
If you want to know more about the congress click on the following link: