It has been opened by Gotzone Sagardui, Minister of Health of the Basque Government, and have had the intervention of Marian Ibarrondo, Director of Health Research and Innovation, and Rosa Pérez Esquerdo, Director General of Osakidetza. 

The event, held on 20 September 2023 at the Palacio Europa in Vitoria-Gasteiz, was the venue chosen to present the renewed strategy and new brand of the four Health Research Institutes of the Basque Government and Osakidetza: BIO (Berrikuntza+ Ikerketa+ Osasuna in the Basque language, Innovation + Research + Health in English). The new strategy launched by the Department of Health, the Directorate of Health Research and Innovation, and the Basque Health Foundation BIOEF aims to promote the transformation of the health research institutes, boost networking, and make the health research and innovation work carried out in the Basque Country more visible on an international level.

This marks the beginning of a new stage in research in the Basque Country, focused on promoting an integrated, collaborative, coordinated, specialized, and highly talented vision of research that benefits citizens and Basque society as a whole.

The BIO brand seeks to be a point of union for the four institutes which, in addition to the new names Bioaraba, Biobizkaia, Biogipuzkoa, and Biosistemak, are also renewing their graphic image. Thus, the Kronikgune Health Services Research Institute changed its name to Biosistemak Health Systems Research Institute, focusing its areas and lines of action on the health system in general.

More than 300 people, including managers, researchers, and healthcare professionals, attended the conference, where they shared the advances in research in different key areas in which Osakidetza is an international pioneer: value-based medicine, advanced therapies, neurosciences, aging, and the improvement of quality of life from Primary Care or the research and transformation of the Health System, led by the Scientific Director of Biosistemak, Ane Fullaondo.  The conference has become a forum for communicating and reflecting on the main lines of development of Basque health research.

If you want to know more about the conference, click here.