The course will be held on 17 July 2024 at the Miramar Palace in Donostia – San Sebastian.

This course, entitled ‘Economic evaluation to support decision-making in health’, is part of the programme of summer courses organised every year by the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, UPV-EHU.

The programme has been designed with the aim of raising awareness of health economic evaluation, which aims to support health decision-making based on the criterion of efficiency for the sustainability of the health system. The course will also provide knowledge of the basic tools for understanding, designing, using and critically appraising health economic evaluation and will provide health professionals and managers with sufficient information to promote and demand economic evaluation of health interventions in their field. The aim of the course is to create a culture of evaluation in the audience as a fundamental axis for the sustainability of health systems.

Organised by the Biosistemak Institute, this course is aimed at health professionals, health researchers, health centre management teams and health policy makers. The UPV-EHU course aims to become a forum for the Department of Health of the Basque Government and Osakidetza to highlight the strategic need for health evaluation in the Basque Country, based on the principles of transparency and accountability.

You can find out more about the scientific programme of the course by clicking on the following link:

If you are interested, you can register for the course by clicking on the following link: