The conference was held in Barcelona from October 9th to 11th, 2023.

The ICHOM Conference is the largest international event on Value-Based Healthcare. This year it has celebrated its XI edition in Barcelona with the attendance and participation of the most recognized international speakers and leaders in Value-Based Healthcare new paradigm that is being implemented in more and more health systems. For three days, ideas, knowledge and experiences on value-based healthcare and the measurement of patient-reported outcomes have been shared. The congress has brought together delegations from different health systems, care providers, patient associations, industry and research centres to delve into issues related to the incorporation of patient value in care models, equitable care, value innovation applied to digital and technological solutions or new models of financing and cost analysis.  Professionals and researchers from different Integrated Health Organizations of Osakidetza Basque Health Service, as well as members of the Biosistemak Value-Based Medicine Research Group, attended the congress.

The Scientific Director of Biosistemak, Ane Fullaondo, has been one of the speakers at the round table entitled “Best Practices. Continuous Quality Improvement Through Learning Collaboratives and Benchmarking”. During the session, in addition to sharing the progress made in the Basque Country in this field, he presented the VOICE community, a community of European hospitals led by Biosistemak. The aim of VOICE is to guide health services in their re-organization towards the provision of care of maximum value for the patient at the best cost, specifically in the approach to breast and lung cancer. Other examples and real projects were also presented at this round table, and the impact of all these benchmarking best practices to achieve continuous quality improvement, increase efficiency and improve the results that matter most to patients was discussed. The round table also shared experiences on the implementation process of the new model as well as the problems and barriers in the deployment in real environments.

It is also to be highlighted the attendance and participation of Biosistemak researchers at the conference, specifically, Itxaso Alayo, Borja García-Lorenzo and Ania Gorostiza, that have presented some of the works carried out by the institute in the framework of the VOICE community: (i) European Value-Based Healthcare Benchmarking: Moving from Theory to Practice in English and (ii) Disentangling the Value Equation: A Step Forward in Value-Based Healthcare in English.

If you want to know more about the conference, click on the following link: