The VBHC Prize event will be held on 10 May in Amerongen, the Netherlands.
The Value-Based Healthcare Center Europe (VBHCE) is one of the pioneering centres in Europe in disseminating the Value-Based Medicine model. This model is a paradigm and way of caring for people that is spreading and being implemented in different European healthcare systems. Value-based medicine aims to put the patient at the centre of the system, improve patient care and take into account health outcomes relevant to patients. The model implements systems for measuring health outcomes of value to patients, seeks to organise care practice around clinical processes or conditions, and calculates costs per patient.
The work that is being carried out in the European VOICE community has been included and referenced in the list of inspiring initiatives published on the VBHC Prize 2023 website. The VOICE community, coordinated by Biosistemak (formerly Kronikgune), involves 10 European hospitals (Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and Belgium) seeking to implement the VBHC model in breast and lung cancer patients. VOICE is generating knowledge and scientific information on the experience of implementing Value-Based Care in routine practice to improve healthcare and care for this group of patients. The project has relied on a consolidated framework for Implementation Research as a guide to analysing in depth the factors that have influenced these experiences, in order to provide the scientific community and future implementers of the model with evidence on how to plan and implement similar initiatives.
See the following link for the list of initiatives included in the VBHC Prize 2023:
If you want to know more about VOICE click here.