Biosistemak and BIOEF participate in the “Orgullosas” promoted by the Department of Equality, Justice, and Social Policies of the Basque Government and Emakunde.

The Biosistemak Institute seeks to advance through various activities in achieving real equality between women and men, improving labor relations, and by extension, in society as a whole. Its Equality Plan “The Equality Plan 2022-2026” includes a set of measures and equal opportunities between men and women avoiding gender discrimination and aimed at adopting gender mainstreaming as one of the principles of the entity. In this sense, incorporating the gender perspective in the management of the entity in all its policies and at all levels.

79% of the Biosistemak Institute’s staff are women and it has a group of researchers attached to the Research Groups, 65% of them being women. Likewise, 68% of Osakidetza professionals collaborating on research projects are women.

This year, 2024, the Institute has joined the “Orgullosas” campaign, promoted by the Department of Equality, Justice, and Social Policies of the Basque Government, on the occasion of International Women’s Day (March 8). The slogan “Proud: Behind an empowered woman there has been another woman pushing her to become one”, praises the contribution of older women in the empowerment of younger women.

If you want to know more about this initiative click on the following link: