The Ministry of Health of the Basque Government, Gotzone Sagardui, was in charge of opening the conference held at the BAT Tower, which marked the beginning of a process to involve patients in the strategic decision making process of Basque Health Research.

The meeting organized by BIOEF – Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research of the Department of Health of the Basque Government, brought together more than fifty people from Basque associations of patients and relatives of people with different diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, rare diseases, mental disorders, chronic multi-pathologies, among others. It was also attended by the President and the Director of the Platform of Patients’ Organizations of the State, Carina Escobar and Pedro Carrascal.

In recent years, the Basque Country has been promoting the presence of patients in the field of research, which has led to an improvement in the results achieved against different diseases, with successful experiences of patient involvement in the different processes of the implementation of research projects, as well as strategies for tackling certain pathologies. As mentioned by the Ministry of Health Basque Government, Gotzone Sagardui, this conference has meant a step forward for the involvement of patients in strategic decision-making and a qualitative leap in the active, stable and organized participation of patients in the approach to value-based medicine; clinical trials, evaluation of research projects; ethics committees; or evaluation of technologies.

The Scientific Director of the Biosistemak Institute, Ane Fullaondo Zabala, presented the work that the organization has been doing through different projects and learning communities for the change of the healthcare model towards a value-based healthcare model. Specifically, the presentation was based on presenting the value-based medicine model, an innovative strategic framework aimed at guiding health services in their reorganization towards the provision of value-based healthcare for the patient at the best cost. This new paradigm to be promoted in Osakidetza combines three essential elements: systems for measuring health outcomes of value for patients; organization of healthcare practice around clinical processes or conditions, and the calculation of costs per patient throughout the process.

If you want to know more about the conference, click on the following link: