Organised as one of the summer courses from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), it will be held on 1st and 2nd September 2016 at the Miramar Palace in Donostia-San Sebastián.

curso-verano-ehu-upv-investigacion-kronikguneThe training is addressed especially to professionals involved in research activity, and the basic rules of the research process and efficiency in research will be examined during the two days. The first part of the course will talk about some forms of bad conduct in research; the regulations in place to guarantee the protection of subjects – ill or healthy – who are recruited for research; conflicts of interest, financial conflicts or other types of conflicts; and efficient and ethical management of the data obtained.

The second part will examine the five main “drains” where most resources are wasted: inadequate or irrelevant research questions; inappropriate methodology, including data analysis; inefficient governing regulations; information generated by research that is generally inaccessible; biased and/or useless research reports.

The goals to be achieved through the course are:

  • Identify and define the mechanisms in which research resources are wasted
  • Define “integrity” in the context of clinical research
  • Learn about the “TRUST” instrument for facilitating the clinical research process
  • Learn about the campaign REWARD-REducing Waste And Rewarding Diligence in research
  • Examine some of the current topics in the context of efficient research: determination of research priorities, “data sharing”.

An opportunity for training in research activity and to learn more about current topics in the sector. Employees of Osakidetza, Bioef, Biocruces, Biodonostia and Kronikgune can make use of the subsidy granted by Osakidetza.

Learn more about the course by clicking here: