The European Advancing Care Coordination and Telehealth Deployment Programme (ACT) project funded by DG Sanco is specifically designed to help overcome current barriers to the large-scale implementation of CC and TH in health systems. 


The purpose of the meeting is to move forward with the analysis of organisational and structural keys required for the successful implementation of care coordination services and telehealth services in healthcare systems. A total of 14 European partners are participating in the project and evaluation is being performed in 5 regions, namely the Basque Country, Catalonia, Lombardy, Groningen and West-Lothian, in which different aspects of health systems are being evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. The aspects being evaluated are health outcomes, population stratification, organisational models and continual care processes and, finally, adherence of both professionals and patients.

In the Basque Country, Kronikgune and  Osakidetza are jointly responsible for analysing the Integrated Intervention Plans (IIPs) for all Integrated Healthcare Organisations (IHOs) in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. Quantitative information, namely health indicators for 2012 and 2013 for all IHOs, and qualitative information based on questionnaires for both healthcare professionals and patients, is being compiled to undertake the analysis, and a focus group is being organised for patients from the IHO Barrualde – Galdakao.

The consortium has a further 8 months of work ahead to achieve a consensus on the best organisational and structural procedures to support the large-scale implementation of CC and TH services, which will be gathered together in a cookbook.

The next meeting of all partners will be in mid-June 2015.

Full project title: Care Coordination & TeleHealth Deployment Programme

Call for tender for project: Health Programme 2012, Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs of the European Union.

Contract No.: 20121209

Project web site: