salud-digital-congreso-kronikgune-proyectos-europeosThe Miramar Palace in Donostia–San Sebastián will host the course “Digital Health: Innovative Experiences” organised by the University of the Basque Country and Osakidetza on 18 and 19 June. This meeting will cover the incorporation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) into healthcare products, services and processes, as well as into healthcare organisations, with the aim of improving the health and well-being of the general public.

According to the e-Health Action Plan 2012-2020 from the European Commission, the use of health-related technologies can increase the efficiency and sustainability of the health system, improve patients’ quality of life and promote innovation.

At this meeting, Kronikgune and Osakidetza will present the tools and applications that have been developed and are being rolled-out as part of European projects in which they participate by way of oral communications and posters. The projects presented include   Carewell (Kronik ON programme: empowering the complex chronic patient), Mastermind (Implementation of eHealth solutions to combat depression), United4Health (Roll-out of an integrated telemonitoring intervention), FI-STAR (New strategy for treating bipolar disorder: design and implementation of an on-line application) and Pre-Start (Promotion of healthy lifestyles in the school population and mobilisation via social networks).