At the event tasks undertaken in recent months were analysed and actions to be taken prior to the first project review before the European Commission were defined.

Ghent (Belgium) was the venue selected to hold the third general meeting gathering the 12 partners of C3-Cloud project. From 27th to 29th September the milestones achieved to date, critical aspects as well as risks identified and possible solutions were analysed.

The C3-Cloud project aims to implement innovation tools to encourage ongoing personalised integrated multidisciplinary coordinated care for complex chronic patients. To achieve this, a technological architecture gathering all information related to the patient will promote the coordination of activities, facilitate the development of personalised plans, support clinical decision-making processes and encourage active participation from patient and/or carer.

In recent months, significant progress has been made in the development of C3-Cloud technological architecture which will have two major innovation platforms. One of them will be aimed at the development and management of personalised care plans, and the other will focus on active participation and patient and/or carer empowerment. Tasks completed until now include: clinical and technical requirement specification; definition of ethical requirements; development of ICT components; analysis of organisational models; and finally, analysis of interoperability related matters.

The Basque Country, represented by Osakidetza and Kronikgune, is playing a very active role in the project as is responsible for the “Development of application and implementation in pilot regions” and “Change management and development of healthcare pathways and organisational models”. One of its recent contributions was the presentation of a report describing the requirements of C3-CLOUD solutions to be implemented in the three pilot programmes. Furthermore, it has participated in the definition of ethical issues to be considered such as control measures to ensure privacy and safety of patients, procedures to recruit professionals for the study and the design of informed consent forms.

Before the end of this year, the action research protocol which will be later adapted to the specificities of each pilot programme region is expected to be prepared. It is worth highlighting the Basque Country (Euskadi) is one of the three pilot regions along with South Warwickshire in the UK and Jämtland Härjedalen region.

For further information about the project , click here or visit the official website: