Different activities to exchange knowledge among the regions are expected to be organised in forthcoming months.

In TITTAN, Network for Technology, Innovation and Translation in Ageing, a knowledge exchange network was set up between the seven regions participating in the project. Its aim is to improve quality and efficiency in healthcare systems regarding active and healthy ageing. Three thematic areas were defined in the project: outside-in and inside-out technological innovation of the healthcare system and raise citizen’s awareness action for healthy ageing.

Different workshops have been organised in the first two areas, to exchange knowledge of innovation implemented in regions and specific visits to delve into those attracting the interest of partners. Among the activities organised, it is worth highlighting the visit of several project partners to the Basque Country, to improve their knowledge on INNOSASUN project implemented in the region.

Work in the third thematic area will commence in October 2017. The purpose of this area is to increase citizens’ knowledge about using the new Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) to improve their quality of life. The aim is to raise awareness of the importance of the use of ICTs in their daily life. The participation of citizens in the design of innovations (co-designing) is highly important for this purpose.

Edinburgh (Scotland) will host the first workshop held in this area where the Basque Country is expected to showcase good practices, represented by the Basque Health Service, Osakidetza, the University of Deusto and Fundación Matía.

For further information about the activities envisaged in the project, please visit the webpage at: http://www.interregeurope.eu/tittan/

TITTAN LinkedIn account.


The TITTAN project has been co-funded (85%) by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg Europe Programme.