In 2017, a series of meetings have been held between the European Reference Regions with the aim of fostering the deployment of innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing.
“Scale AHA” is an initiative of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA). It seeks to promote scaling-up, deployment and implementation of digitally-enabled innovative practices between European regions. For this purpose, activities have been jointly organised by EIP on AHA partners, reference sites and other national / regional / local organisations and ecosystems. These activities have fostered the transfer of knowledge related to healthcare, social care, health, Information and Communications Technology (ICTs) and finance.
The reference sites of the 24 European countries took part on the call for Twinning collaboration between regions. Throughout 2017, 26 Reference Sites from 13 European countries received financial support for visits and twinning activities, to transfer knowledge and promote the deployment of innovative solutions.
In 2016, Kronikgune, representing the Basque Country, was awarded four projects: one as a recipient region in relation patient empowerment; and three as a reference region on risk stratification. The empowerment twinning has provided deeper knowledge of innovative Good Practices implemented in Scotland around this area. Through the activities organised under this collaboration and based on the lessons learnt, Osakidetza along with other organisations, is already working to improve educational tools and programmes available. On the other hand, the Basque Country has shared knowledge on risk stratification Good Practices with three European regions: Liguria, Scotland and Aquitaine. This tool has been used in the Basque Health System since 2011. It serves to identify people more likely to require greater healthcare services in the future, and plan new actions adapted to the population needs.
The final Scale AHA report provides an overview of all the different study activities and results, as well as recommendations proposed by participating regions. To download the report, click on the following link: Final Scale AHA study report.