This workshop took place on 21st November in Glasgow in the context of the Scottish Digital Health and Care Week, the European Week of Regions and Cities, and the initiative Reflecting on Europe by the European Committee of the Regions.

The event attracted public policy-makers, healthcare professionals, representatives of social care, housing and voluntary sectors, academia and end users and partners. Its aim was to discuss the experience of European regions and organisations developing and rendering integrated health and social care services.

As part of its engagement in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) and the Reference Site Collaborative Network (RSCN), Scotland has led the development of a tool to assess regions’ progress and maturity in the provision of integrated care and innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing. The meeting was a good opportunity to explore the potential of this tool called “Scirocco Tool”. The tool is currently being fine-tuned under the framework of the European project Scirocco. Its use as an instrument to stimulate debate, encourage the transfer of knowledge and experiences, and accelerating the journey of Europe towards integrated care systems, is currently being analysed. Moreover, it intends to facilitate self-assessment of care systems regarding Integrated Care.

Esteban de Manuel, Kronikgune Director, acted as a moderator of one of the tables where some partners of the Scirocco project shared their experiences and lessons learnt regarding the scopes of “Population Approach”, ”Citizen Empowerment” and “Assessment Methods”.

The Basque health service, Osakidetza, was also present in the event and took part in the “European Regions ‘ experience on integrated care” table. Igor Zabala, Head of Osakidetza Integrated Chronic Care Service, known as SIAC (Spanish acronym) presented the Basque Health System integrated care model. He also presented the assessment process carried out in recent months to analyse the system maturity for integrated care implementation.

For further information about the event, click on the following link: