Milan will host the 8th European Conference on Public Health, at which the Cookbook for ACT (Advancing Care Coordination and Telehealth Deployment) will be launched, from 14 to 18 October.
At 11 Am on 14 October, as part of the session dedicated to “Post-crisis opportunities, from a budget-based approach to achieve better results and performance”, Cristina Bescos, coordinator of the European ACT project, will be responsible for launching and presenting the project Cookbook, in which both Osakidetza and Kronikgune have participated.
This research project, which has recently finished, has identified best practices in health system organisational and structural processes in order to support care integration and the implementation of telemedicine in a context of the healthcare provided to chronic patients.
Integrated care is starting to be the path followed by all European countries to overcome the demands of an ageing population and to cope with the needs detected in the provision of care to chronic patients. The ACT study is the first programme to have explored the organisational and structural processes of the health systems in various European regions in order to make progress towards more integrated care and the large-scale implementation of telemedicine in health services.
The largest European conference on public health will be held simultaneously with the 48th National Congress of the Italian Society for Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health. This meeting will bring together researchers, policy heads, public health professionals and public health and European education trainers.
To learn more about this European research project, visit its official web site:
CALL FOR TENDER: Health Programme 2012, Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs (currently CHAFEA)