On 21st April, the SmartCare project third-year review took place in Brussels, where Kronikgune presented all the activities carried out over the previous year by the 13 Committed Regions of this Board.
The aim of SmartCare is to define and drive the integration of health and socio-healthcare services to improve quality of life for chronic patients. Thus, the analysis of healthcare pathways in the pilot regions and improvements needed to implement the integrated socio-healthcare service has been vital throughout the study. Likewise, the role which may be played by services and applications developed using new ICTs was also validated.
One of the most outstanding aspects within the socio-healthcare integration process was the relevance of inter-operability among professionals to improve social and healthcare co-operation through the support provided by healthcare and social organisations for families and/or informal carers. The purpose is to achieve greater independent life for people and higher monitoring by their referral professionals.
During the past year Kronikgune acted as a co-ordinator of the project Committed Regions – 13 Regions which receive all the information gathered in the study, which enables learning and implementing lessons learnt in their region. As a result, Kronikgune co-ordinated and carried out different activities throughout the year with the aim of learning from pilot regions where new healthcare pathways have been implemented. All and all with the view to allowing committed regions to implement their own model of integrated socio-healthcare model in the future.
One of the activities carried out was the analysis of healthcare pathways implemented by each of the 13 regions. Thanks to this exercise information related to real practices was shared with the other consortium members, enhancing consortium development and contributing to making results and conclusions obtained transferable to the other European regions.
It is worth highlighting the interest shown by 13 Committed Regions in conducting a multidimensional analysis of their healthcare systems with the Maturity Model of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA).
All the work carried out by Committed Regions within the SmartCare project framework will be summarised in reports and deliverables which will be prepared upon project completion.
For further information about this project, click here.