2016 started with strength at Kronikgune as ACT@Scale, Scirocco and C3-Cloud projects have joined the list of six European projects currently under development at the Centre, in co-operation with Osakidetza.
In 2015, Kronikgune submitted new research project proposals for the calls for Horizon 2020, CHAFEA, Interreg, Joint Action schemes among others. A total of 13 projects were submitted in co-operation with Osakidetza. Five of the proposals have been successfully implemented. The projects awarded will cover the fields of: integrated care, new healthcare pathways for patient care, development and application of new Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) and assessment and scaling-up of Good Practices.
C3-Cloud is a project awarded as part of the calls for the Horizon 2020 scheme, with the full name of: “A Federated Collaborative Care & Cure Cloud Architecture for Addressing the Needs of Multi-morbidity and Managing Poly-pharmacy”. Its goal is to develop an ICT platform in order to create an environment that integrates information and co-ordination of activities to support the definition of personal care plans and decision-making in the care of patients and/or carers. This project will last until 2019.
Scirocco and Act@Scale are projects awarded as part of the calls for proposals of the CHAFEA project, where the scalability of integrated patient care projects will be covered. These projects are expected to last 32 and 36 months respectively. Scirocco involves an assessment of best practices in integrated care. To do so, experiences or good practices from five European regions will be selected and assessed and the possibility of extending and implementing those practices to different European healthcare systems will be analysed. The aim of Act@Scale is to implement, develop and consolidate Good Practices in Integrated Care and Telemonitoring, to promote scaling up and transfer of lessons learnt and knowledge to other European regions.
Kronikgune and Osakidetza have signed Grant Agreements for the three projects with the European Committee, kick-off meetings have been held and consortia are already up and running to fulfil their aims.
2016 is a year to continue working to improve the quality of life of chronic patients! And to help maintain Kronikgune in its leading position in the field of research in health services and chronic illnesses.