The event took place on December 13, 2021 at the BEC (Bilbao Exhibition Centre).
The Kronikgune Health Services Research Institute Association celebrates 10 years of life, 10 years dedicated to research excellence and positioning the Basque Country as a benchmark in health services research. Established by the Department of Health of the Basque Government, Osakidetza- Basque Health Service and the Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research BIOEF in 2011, it was created to support research in health services and approach to chronicity. In this period and as reflected in the Strategic Framework 2021-2024, the Kronikgune Institute together with the other R+D+i entities (Bioaraba, Biocruces-Bizkaia, Biodonostia), and the corporate head entity BIOEF, has become one of the main instruments of the Basque Government Department of Health in promoting R+D+i activities in the Basque Health System.
The aim of the Scientific Event was to highlight the work being done in Health Services Research in the Basque Country. The event was attended by the Director General of Osakidetza, the Director of Health Systems and Products of the Directorate General for Health and Food Health of the European Commission, and the Director of Health Research and Innovation of the Basque Government. Researchers from Kronikgune and health professionals from Osakidetza have shared and presented some of the research projects in which they are involved related to the main research areas of the Kronikgune Institute.
The Kronikgune Institute together with Osakidetza participate and have led many European and Strategic Health Action projects focused on improving people’s health and quality of life. The mission is to carry out research of excellence in organization and management of health and social-health services, oriented to the generation and application of knowledge and social and economic value on new models of care, value-based care, digital health and evaluation of services.
The Kronikgune Institute is currently immersed in research projects that aim to improve people’s health and quality of life through new models of integrated, coordinated, anticipatory and personalized care. It is also participating in the development and implementation of technological and innovative solutions to detect and anticipate people’s needs, promote health promotion and encourage patient participation in the management of their health.
In this 10-year journey, the collaboration and participation of Osakidetza’s professionals is a fundamental pillar for the Kronikgune Institute. On December 1, 2011, Osakidetza and the Kronikgune Institute signed an agreement entrusting the Kronikgune Institute with the direction, management, supervision and control of Osakidetza’s research activity in health services, promoting the participation of researchers and health professionals. Thanks to the agreement, more than 600 Osakidetza professionals have collaborated with the Kronikgune Institute in international, national and local research projects.
The Kronikgune Institute would like to thank its collaborators and researchers for their commitment and for having helped us on this 10-year journey in health services research!