The event was held from 12 to 14 June 2023 in Bilbao.

The 1st Implementation Research Scientific Conference promoted and organized by the Biobizkaia Institute (formerly Biocruces Bizkaia) brought together more than 170 researchers and healthcare professionals from different countries specializing in the area of implementation. One of the topics addressed and discussed during the conference was the causes that prevent or facilitate the effective adoption of interventions and programs in health systems that have been shown to be effective in research studies in order to achieve effective good practices or eliminate those of little value.

This 1st conference on this field held at the University of Deusto has been an opportunity to share ideas and experiences, as well as to establish collaborations that in the future may promote the translation of research results into clinical healthcare practice with the aim of improving people’s healthcare. Marian Ibarrondo, Director of Health Innovation and Research from the Ministry of Health of the Basque Government opened the conference.

The Director of Biosistemak (formerly Kronikgune), Ane Fullaondo, presented the implementation strategy developed for the Joint Action JADECARE. In this Join Action, which is coordinated at the European level by Biosistemak (formerly Kronikgune), four Best Practices are being transferred to 21 European contexts. The strategy defined for the project is structured in three main phases: pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation. During the presentation, in addition to sharing some of the activities carried out in the three phases, the main results obtained during the implementation process were shared. In the framework of JADECARE, different action plans have been defined, in total comprising 64 interventions that are targeted at 4 million people at the European level. The deployed interventions have been analyzed by the CFIR process and the guidelines of the SQUIRE 2.0 model have been followed to get the conclusions. The next steps are expected to be the evaluation of the implementation strategy to assess impact and usability.

If you want to know more about the JADECARE project, click on the following link: