The event was held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria from 8 to 10 March 2023.
“Managing with people” was the slogan chosen by the Spanish Society of Health Managers (SEDISA) and the National Association of Nursing Managers (ANDE) for the 23rd edition of this congress. Health professionals, managers, and researchers met for three days to share experiences and projects that have contributed to the change towards new management models and the development of new ways of caring for people. The aim of this edition was to give people, the citizens, the leading role, in order to integrate their vision in the management of health, health services, and the impact and results of clinical and care actions. Technology has also been presented as a key element in the change toward the transformation of health systems, integration of innovation, and improvement of care processes.
Within the thematic area of the congress “Innovating in health. Value-based management”, the health economist of Biosistemak (formerly Kronikgune), Borja García-Lorenzo, showed the methodological process and the results of the benchmarking work carried out by the VOICE community among the healthcare centers participating in the study. VOICE is the international learning community that seeks to guide health services in their reorganization towards the provision of care of maximum value for the patient at the best cost. Aimed at breast and lung cancer patients, the project aims to create an innovative new strategic framework based on a model of value-based medicine for these patients in Europe.
The presentation, entitled “Health and cost outcomes for comparable value-based medicine: Experiences from the VOICE community in breast cancer”, showed the health and economic results of value-based management obtained within an international learning community. The benchmarking carried out in VOICE is the initial evidence that should allow healthcare centers to exchange best practices in order to improve their healthcare model through the eyes of the patient. Borja García-Lorenzo’s presentation highlighted the differences that exist between healthcare centers, not only in terms of health outcomes but also in terms of economic results. The challenge for the participating organizations in this community is to combine both results to estimate the value of health care.
If you want to know more about the XXIII National Congress of Hospitals and Management visit its official website: