On November 28, 2023 the event has been held at the Gran Teatro La Estación CAIXABANK in Madrid where significant advances in healthcare based on new technologies have been shown. 

Biosistemak and Biobizkaia Research Institutes attend and participate in the final gala of the project that represents the closing of GATEKEEPER, an initiative coordinated by Medtronic Ibérica and funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program. This event has served to present and share the results of this large-scale project focused on the management of chronic diseases through innovative technologies and solutions based on Artificial Intelligence. More than 150 people gathered in Madrid to celebrate the project’s achievements and discuss the future of digital healthcare with the participation of representatives from the MedTech and pharma industry, leading technology companies, universities, accelerators, the European Commission, and research institutes.

During the event, researchers from Biosistemak and Biobizkaia have participated in a session entitled “Regional healthcare strategies to implement pioneering innovative solutions”. In addition to presenting the preliminary results of two use cases implemented in Osakidetza, specifically for the management of polypharmacy and stroke prevention, they have shared the strategies and plans at regional level of the Department of Health and Osakidetza for the digital transformation of the health system and to offer integrated care to the Basque population. The key aspects to be taken into account for the real implementation and success of technology-based research projects were also discussed.

It should be noted that the Gatekeeper project has involved the participation of 43 European organizations including hospitals, universities, technology centers, large companies, SMEs and service providers from 13 European countries focused on the development and testing of technological innovation in healthcare to improve the quality of life of approximately 40,000 elderly users. The Basque Country has been one of the eight European regions (together with Aragon, Saxony, Puglia, Milton Keynes, Lodz, Cyprus and Greece) where different interventions have been piloted to address several use cases: diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, stroke prevention, health promotion and polypharmacy management. Osakidetza with the support and management of Biobizkaia, and Biosistemak have been responsible for the deployment and implementation of the different interventions in the framework of the project.

Gatekeeper, a project whose aim has been to generate scientific, technological, economic and social evidence, supported by quality indicators, on the positive impact that technologies offer for early detection and intervention of diseases so prevalent among the adult population, such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, heart failure or stroke, among others, will end on December 31, 2023.  As a final result, an open digital platform will be launched in the coming months, which will allow other services and devices on the market to be included in the service catalog. A tool that guarantees interoperability and the possible scalability of this proposal to more patients and healthcare systems throughout Europe, while guaranteeing the privacy and security of the shared data.

For more information about the event and the project:

Visit: www.gatekeeper-project.eu

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