The “Bidasoatik Mundura, Sasoi Erronka” programme has been running since September 2015 in ten schools in Bidasoa with the aim of promoting healthy life habits amongst adolescents aged 12-14 through games and activities.
Schools are a great place to promote healthy habits because it is possible to reach the population of compulsory school age. With this in mind, the European Pre-Start project has developed a programme to promote a healthy lifestyle, for students aged 12-14. The aim of the project was to design a programme and assess its impact on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
The programme has been developed with the support of a local community health network in Bidasoa, made up of Gipuzkoa Public Health, OSI Bidasoa (Osakidetza), Berritzegune de Irun (Department of Education), the City Councils of Irun and Hondarribia, and Kronikgune. “Bidasoatik Mundura, Sasoi Erronka” covers three key aspects: physical activity, diet and creativity.
As part of the study, 1,500 students from the ten participating schools can take part in different activities each month. The programme is proving to a be a great success so far, because in many schools participation in each activity has reached 90%. One of the schools has even included the programme in its curriculum. In June there will be a closing party and the winning school will be announced, as well as the schools that have taken part most regularly in different activities during the 2015-2016 school year.
The website also plays a very important part in the programme because it is the main source of information. It is an interactive, intuitive, attractive, fresh and up-to-date website that is also used as a tool to make the activities more interesting. Students can get information on each activity, answer questionnaires about diet, watch videos made by their school or other schools each term, and check how their school is doing in terms of participation, and the points they have won.
For more information about the programme, visit
For more information about the European Pre-Start project, click here.