About Biosistemak

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So far Biosistemak has created 1141 blog entries.

Biosistemak is part of the EU Expert Group to move towards a more sustainable healthcare system

By |2024-12-05T13:11:07+01:005 December 2024|

Biosistemak is part of the EU Expert Group to move towards a more sustainable healthcare system The institute's director, Ane Fullaondo, joins the PHSSR (Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience) project as an expert consultant. Biosistemak, under the direction of Ane Fullaondo Zabala, continues to work towards the transformation of European health systems, [...]

Second general assembly of the Health4EUKids project, which focuses on improving children’s health

By |2024-12-04T10:44:59+01:004 December 2024|

Second general assembly of the Health4EUKids project, which focuses on improving children's health Biosistemak is carrying out a pilot project in the municipality of Erandio for the prevention of obesity in children. Biosistemak has participated in the 2nd General Assembly of the European project Health4EUKids, held from 11 to 13 November 2024 at the [...]

The European ADLIFE project reaches its final milestone with the presentation of results in Bilbao

By |2024-11-29T11:16:43+01:0029 November 2024|

The European ADLIFE project reaches its final milestone with the presentation of results in Bilbao The initiative, coordinated by Biosistemak, held its final conference on 27 and 28 November at the BEC. The European ADLIFE project, coordinated by Biosistemak, has closed its cycle with a successful final conference held on 27 and 28 November [...]

Biosistemak starts its participation in the MENTOR Joint Action focused on improving mental health in Europe.

By |2024-11-25T14:42:58+01:0028 November 2024|

Biosistemak starts its participation in the MENTOR Joint Action focused on improving mental health in Europe The event, held on 8-9 October 2024 in Riga, Latvia, has defined the first activities and core objectives to be pursued. Biosistemak has participated in the kick-off meeting of the European project MENTOR (Mental Health Together), organised by [...]

JADECARE: innovating healthcare in Europe

By |2024-11-22T13:44:30+01:0025 November 2024|

JADECARE: innovating healthcare in Europe  The project, led at European level by Biosistemak and ending in 2023, has strengthened the capacity of European health authorities to address health system challenges. With the aim of improving health and social care across Europe, the JADECARE project has worked to transfer and adapt good practices, services, programmes [...]

EUCanScreen Project kicks off: Boosting Early Cancer Detection in Europe

By |2024-11-25T09:33:57+01:0021 November 2024|

EUCanScreen Project kicks off: Boosting Early Cancer Detection in Europe Biosistemak has participated in the initial meeting of the European Joint Action, which aims to strengthen cancer screening systems. The EuCanScreen European Joint Action has kicked off, with an inaugural meeting taking place from 24-27 September 2024 at the University of Latvia (Riga). This [...]

THCS partnership workshop on Strengthening Health Ecosystems

By |2024-11-20T09:00:31+01:0013 November 2024|

Biosistemak participates in THCS partnership workshop on Strengthening Health Ecosystems The event, held on 6 and 7 November in Vienna (Austria), highlighted the importance of knowledge exchange to improve health services. Biosistemak has participated in theWP9 Strengthening Ecosystems Workshop, one of the key areas being addressed in the framework of the THCS (European Partnership [...]

Biosistemak participates in the conference for the deployment of EU4Health in Spain: Improving the comprehensive approach to cancer

By |2024-11-12T14:50:22+01:0012 November 2024|

Biosistemak participates in the conference for the deployment of EU4Health in Spain: Improving the comprehensive approach to cancer Ane Fullaondo, Scientific Director, moderated a round table on barriers and facilitators in the future implementation of actions in the field of oncology. On 12 November 2024, Ane Fullaondo, Scientific Director of Biosistemak and representing the [...]

Second General Assembly of the THCS Project in Edinburgh

By |2024-11-11T08:54:13+01:008 November 2024|

Second General Assembly of the THCS Project in Edinburgh This European initiative seeks to transform health systems towards sustainability, efficiency and inclusion in order to provide better care for people. On 30 October 2024, Edinburgh (Scotland) hosted the Second General Assembly of the Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) project, a European initiative, under [...]

Biosistemak joins the coordination of the Evaluation of Health Policies and Servicesgroup – EvaluAES

By |2024-11-08T13:27:38+01:007 November 2024|

Biosistemak joins the coordination of the Evaluation of Health Policies and Servicesgroup - EvaluaES Borja García Lorenzo, Health Economist at Biosistemak, will be part of the coordinating team focused on the evaluation of health systems. The Health Economics Association (AES) has appointed Borja García Lorenzo, Health Economist and Principal Investigator of Biosistemak's Value-Based Medicine [...]