About Biosistemak

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So far Biosistemak has created 1141 blog entries.

Biosistemak presents its work in Cancer Research at the IX CECBE Conference

By |2024-10-31T14:20:22+01:0031 October 2024|

Biosistemak presents its work in Cancer Research at the IX CECBE Conference The meeting, held online on 16 October, brought together professionals to discuss the importance of applying scientific evidence in cancer care. The IX Conference of the Spanish Centre for Evidence-Based Care (CECBE) is a space designed to bring together professionals trained at [...]

JACARDI Strengthens European Alliance in Addressing Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes

By |2024-10-30T09:13:15+01:0030 October 2024|

JACARDI Strengthens European Alliance in Addressing Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Biosistemak has participated in the 2nd General Assembly in Paris during the General Assembly of the project, where advances in research and development of interventions on non-communicable diseases have been shared. From 16 to 18 October 2024, Paris was the meeting point for representatives [...]

JANE project ends: Focusing on European collaboration to improve cancer care

By |2024-10-29T14:41:51+01:0029 October 2024|

JANE project ends: Focusing on European collaboration to improve cancer care Biosistemak has participated in the event held in the European Parliament (Brussels) presenting the recommendations to improve the sustainability and impact of knowledge networks in cancer. On 25 September 2024, the JANE Project held its final meeting in Brussels, marking the end of [...]

The JANE Project celebrates its second Policy Dialogue

By |2024-10-15T10:48:11+01:007 October 2024|

The JANE Project celebrates its second Policy Dialogue The meeting, organised by Biosistemak in an online format, served to discuss and explore the future and the challenges to be faced by cancer knowledge networks. The Second Policy Dialogue of the JANE Joint Action took place on 27 June 2024. This event brought together more [...]

Biosistemak and the Ministry of Health of the Basque Government attend the meeting of the Health4EUKids Joint Action held at the School of Public Health of Menorca.

By |2024-09-25T06:55:12+01:0025 September 2024|

The consortium meeting was held on 19 and 20 September on the Island of Lazareto in Menorca (Spain). The Joint Action ‘Health4EUkids’ of the European project EU4Health co-funded by the European Union and HaDEA is framed in the field of health promotion and prevention of non-communicable diseases. This project aims to transfer best practices [...]

The JACARDI project organises together with WHO EURO and the JAPreventNCD project the conference ‘Surveillance of non-communicable diseases: a collaborative approach’.

By |2024-09-19T16:20:10+01:0019 September 2024|

The event, in which Biosistemak participated, was held in Brussels on 10 September 2024. The event aimed to facilitate discussion between representatives of national health ministries, public health agencies, NCD prevention focal points, experts from the JAPreventNCD and JACARDI Joint Actions, stakeholders and WHO representatives to strengthen leadership in the fight against NCDs. In [...]

Biosistemak organised the UPV-EHU Summer Course ‘Economic Evaluation to Support Decision-Making in Health’.

By |2024-09-10T08:05:07+01:0010 September 2024|

The course was held on 17th July 2024 at the Miramar Palace in Donostia - San Sebastian.This course, entitled 'Economic evaluation to support decision-making in health', was part of the programme of summer courses organised every year by the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, UPV-EHU. The programme aimed to raise awareness of [...]

International Conference on Digital Transformation in Health: Equity, Integration and Value

By |2024-07-03T14:05:51+01:003 July 2024|

The Biosistemak Institute, European coordinator of the ADLIFE project, invites you to participate in the conference "Digital Transformation of Health: Equitable, Integrative and Value-Based". The event, officially organised by i-HD, will take place on 27-28 November 2024 at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre (Barakaldo, Bilbao). The conference will focus on how digital innovations can improve [...]

The European ADLIFE project, coordinated by Biosistemak, celebrates its 7th plenary meeting.

By |2024-06-20T15:39:28+01:0020 June 2024|

The meeting of the consortium members was held in Glasgow, Scotland, on 21 and 22 May.   The European project ADLIFE, coordinated at European level by Biosistemak, focuses on facilitating the personalisation of care plans and improving the adaptive and early response to patients' changing needs and preferences through digital solutions. ADLIFE targets patients over [...]

The Biosistemak Institute participates in the XIII EvaluAES Workshop

By |2024-06-13T08:45:28+01:0013 June 2024|

The event took place on 10 May at the Faculty of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Podiatry of the University of Seville. The EvaluAES group organised its annual workshop on Health Policy and Services Evaluation Research in Seville. The main objective of this edition was to promote multidisciplinary exchange between researchers, as well as to contribute [...]