The event was held in a hybrid format, face-to-face in Hamburg (Germany) and online on 23 November 2022.
The JADECARE Stakeholder Forum aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences and the creation of productive collaborative networks between organizations and entities participating in JADECARE and relevant stakeholders. This forum is composed of representatives from health systems, researchers, and academia interested in collaborating with the Joint Action in order to discuss the current status and achievements of JADECARE, emerging issues, but also other ideas, solutions, and networking possibilities. Major health industries are also invited to contribute to improving the competitiveness and economic growth opportunities of the EU industry.
Under the theme “Implementing Person-Centred and Digitally Enabled Integrated Care – Deployment and Learnings”, the second JADECARE Stakeholder Forum meeting has gathered more than 50 people. The event held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Labour, Health, Social Affairs, Family and Integration in Hamburg, had a double objective: to present the current status and milestones achieved in the Joint Action and to share the practical experience, knowledge, and learnings gained by Next Adopters who are implementing JADECARE’s Original Practices. During the event, the assistances also explored how the use of digital tools can be promoted to improve patient-centered care, and discussed the challenges and new developments in Europe for further integration of health and social services and how they can be supported by digital solutions.
If you want to know more about the meeting click on the following link: