The conference will be held on 29th June from 12 to 14:30hrs in Galdakao, at the headquarters of Hospital Universitario Galdakao.

The conference is organised by the Asociación Vasca para la Calidad Asistencial – Asistentzi Kalitaterako Euskal Batzordea (AKEB), a non-profit association created in 2011 with the aim of promoting the culture of continuous improvement and innovation in healthcare activities through different actions, establishing alliances and disseminating healthcare quality as a permanent value among healthcare professionals. Entitled “Current challenges in healthcare quality: different approaches“, this meeting between healthcare professionals, managers and researchers aims to be a space in which to debate the challenges faced by health services in patient care in order to achieve the expected results.

Kronikgune will present some of the European projects in which it is participating and through which it wants to promote the quality of care and continuous improvement of care through innovative solutions and personalised plans. Under the title “Implementation of integrated care and digital health: European projects”, she will share some of the European projects in which tools, guides and products are being developed with the aim of achieving quality care.  According to Ane Fullaondo, head of R&D coordination at Kronkingune, “Integrated, personalised, anticipatory, person-centred care that makes use of digital solutions (including innovative artificial intelligence techniques) is one of the biggest challenges we face in healthcare systems. The implementation of interventions that aspire to the provision of such care and that provide value to all the agents involved (people/patients, professionals and healthcare systems) is fundamental“. Professionals from different Integrated Health Organisations (OSIs) and Osakidetza services are collaborating in several European projects that aim to achieve these objectives from different perspectives.

Click here for the programme of the conference and if you are interested in attending (registration is free).