On 14th and 15Th December, the Basque Country received the visit of representatives from Almere (The Netherlands) and Lower Silesia (Poland) regions, to gain in-depth knowledge of the Good Practices carried out in the Basque Country.
This visit was organised under the Interreg Europe, Translation, Innovation & Technology Transfer in Ageing Network (TITTAN) project. The project, launched in 2016, aims to improve the quality of healthcare systems, developing innovative solutions to promote active and healthy ageing. Under the TITTAN framework, workshops and visits to different regions have been organised with the aim of fostering the exchange of knowledge and Good Practices among participating regions.
The visit to Basque Country was part of the second thematic area Technological Innovation (“From the inside out”) and the third thematic area Activating Citizens. Both partners were able to obtain first-hand knowledge of the Good Practices carried out and implemented by Mondragon Corporation and Fundación Matía. The visit organised by BIOEF, the Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research, also included the participation of Kronikgune. In addition, this opportunity was also taken to exchange initiatives between the University of the Basque Country\ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV\EHU) and the Dutch partners.
On the first day, partners from the city of Almere and the Polish Region of Lower Silesia visited Corporación Mondragon, where the M4FUTURE programme was presented. This is a new corporate innovation model based on the interrelation, co-operation and exchange of knowledge between professionals and organisations. This programme aims to develop an ecosystem encompassing innovation, promotion and knowledge.
In the evening, they visited the UPV\EHU to share their experiences in the field of active ageing. The City Council of Almere (Netherlands) presented the “Senior Live Foundation” initiative, which seeks to help senior citizens to handle current technologies and promote physical activity. On the other hand, the UPV\EHU presented a research project which aims to include physical exercise in the routines of senior citizens.
The second day was focused on Euskadi Lagunkoia Good Practices, which is promoted by the Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government and managed by Fundación Matía. With this Good Practices is expected the participation of senior citizens and the general public to achieve age-friendly environments which should also be accessible and adapted to the different needs and skills of individuals.
For further information on forthcoming activities scheduled in TITTAN, visit the webpage: http://www.interregeurope.eu/tittan/