On 23rd November, the Europa Congress Palace in Vitoria-Gasteiz has hosted the fourth edition of this conference, which is gaining more and more importance among professionals from different fields.
Good Practices (GP) are understood to be interventions or experiences that have proven to be effective and can be transferred within the healthcare system and in other environments. In the case of the GP developed in the Basque Country, they must also address the strategic lines defined by the Department of Health and Osakidetza. The slogan chosen for this year is “Good Practices belong to some, the deployment is up to us all“. Osakidetza organisations have shared the experiences that are in progress in relation to healthcare integration and chronicity, success factors identified for the deployment of the GPs and some recommendations and lessons learnt.
The conference brought together professionals from the public and private sector from Integrated Healthcare Organisations, Emergencies, Mental Healthcare, Social sector and Research Centres, among others. Managers from Osakidetza, the Department of Health, the Department of Employment and Social Policies, who play an important role in the implementation, evaluation and transfer of the GPs, also attended the conference.
The event was inaugurated by the Basque Government’s Minister for Health, Jon Darpón.
In this edition, Kronikgune has presented the work that it is developing as part of the European C3-Cloud project. Backed by ICT tools, the study aims to develop personalised healthcare plans for multimorbid patients. The Basque Country is one of the three pilot regions along with South Warwickshire (United Kingdom) and the Jämtland Härjedalen region (Sweden). Under the title of “Pre-implementation process to bring into effect the C3-CLOUD intervention in the Basque Country”, the work carried out to analyse the current organisational model and identify the necessary changes to achieve the healthcare model set out in the European study has been explained. Likewise, the results obtained following the pilot pre-implementation process, the success factors identified in the process and the necessary conditions and requirements for the proper deployment of the GPs have been shared. Osakidetza and the other partners in the project are currently immersed in the completion of the C3-Cloud platforms, which will enable the implementation of the new model and will bring together all of the information related to the patient, foster the coordination of activities, facilitate the development of personalised plans, support clinical decision-making and foster the active participation of the patient and/or carer.
If you would like to know all about this conference and which other GPs were presented, click here.