The 17th EuGMS was held in a hybrid format, in Athens and with the option to attend online from October 11th to 13th.

The congress program, ( has been focused on presenting and sharing the latest advances in healthcare, science and research and, also exploring findings on the following topics: nutrition and physical activity to improve aging, age-related cardiovascular diseases and the pace of aging, neurodegenerative disorders in the geriatric context, and crucial issues related to COVID-19, and how the pandemic has affected older people. International experts, leaders, and managers of health and social services have gathered for three days to discuss, share and address these fields related to geriatric medicine.

Kronikgune presented a poster of the JADECARE Joint Action that it coordinates at European level. The poster presented to the EUGMS shows in a visual way the Joint Action and its main objectives that have as main purpose to strengthen the capacity of health authorities to successfully address important aspects of the transformation of the health system, towards a digital, integrated and person-centered care. Likewise, the poster wanted to show the information about the participants and the implementation strategy that will be carried out to ensure the transfer and adoption of the four original Best Practices (oGP) to 23 “Next Adopters” from 15 European countries. As a result of this scaling up and implementation process, it is expected to improve collaboration and trust among participants, support knowledge transfer and cross-organizational learning, generate evidence on integrated care and ensure policy sustainability at local, regional and national levels, generating benefits beyond the JADECARE project framework.

If you want to download the poster, click here.

If you want to learn more about the JADECARE Joint Action, visit its official website: