Osakidetza is one of seven health systems that will deploy ADLIFE digital solutions to improve the quality of life of patients with advanced chronic diseases.

ADLIFE, Integrated personalized care for patients with advanced chronic diseases to improve health and quality of life, is a European research project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, which started in January 2020. The project aims to address some of the main challenges facing European healthcare systems: improving patients’ quality of life; enabling patients to live more independent lives; and creating more sustainable health and social systems.  Kronikgune is coordinating this study with a budget of more than six million euros and the participation of 11 partners from nine European countries.

The project is aimed at patients over 55 years of age with severe, chronic illness and a potential reduction in life expectancy due to a decrease in their functionalities and capabilities. The ADLIFE consortium is involved in the development of several digital tools that help healthcare professionals to establish personalised care plans, offering support functionalities for clinical decision-making and allowing decisions to be shared with patients. These digital tools aim to enable patients to be more active in their own care plan, to plan and agree with their healthcare professionals on activities and goals in their treatment, and to anticipate changing needs in their treatment.

Osakidetza is one of the seven health systems that will carry out the pilot project. Since the beginning of the project, Osakidetza primary and specialised care professionals from ten Osakidetza Integrated Health Organisations (OSIs) (OSI Alto Deba; OSI Araba; OSI Barrualde-Galdakao; OSI Bidasoa; OSI Bilbao-Basurto; OSI Debabarrena; OSI Donostialdea; OSI Ezkerraldea-Enkarterri-Cruces; OSI Tolosaldea; and OSI Uribe) have been involved in the different research tasks defined in the project.Among the activities carried out by Osakidetza’s professionals, we would highlight the analysis of its model of care for patients with advanced chronic illnesses in general. This analysis involved the participation of three of the main agents in the model: patients, carers and professionals. Through interviews and group meetings, information has been gathered regarding the experience and perception of care from the three perspectives; the monitoring of these patients by professionals; and finally the needs and identification of areas for improvement. The aspects identified in this process will be taken into account when defining the care model to be implemented in the ADLIFE pilot project in Osakidetza, in order to be able to provide and promote integrated, coordinated, anticipatory and personalised care.

Another of the exercises carried out by Osakidetza professionals has been the use of Osakidetza’s corporate programme, Kronik ON, to define at project level the personalised recommendations adapted in real time (JITAI) for patients to be offered by the ADLIFE empowerment platform.  The Kronik ON programme was developed by a team of mainly primary care nurses in the framework of the European research project Carewell, also coordinated at European level by Kronikgune. The ADLIFE empowerment platform, which will be implemented in the pilot, will incorporate recommendations, through reminders, warnings and health education materials, adapted to the patient’s lifestyle, circumstances and needs. It will also include educational materials from Osasun Eskola that will help to better understand and manage their illnesses.

If you want to know more about the project, visit its official website https://adlifeproject.com/ and keep up to date with all the activities developed through its account @adlife_project.