It was approved by the General Assembly of the Biosistemak Institute in the Extraordinary General Assembly held on 26 October 2022. The main objective of the Equality Plan of the Biosistemak Health Systems Research Institute 2022-2026 (formerly Kronikgune Health Services Research Institute) is to establish a set of measures and equal opportunities between men and women, avoiding discrimination based on sex. The plan aims to make progress in achieving real equality between women and men in the Biosistemak Institute by improving labour relations and, by extension, in society as a whole.
The document includes a set of measures and activities, 13 actions organized in 7 dimensions, aimed at adopting gender mainstreaming as one of the principles of the entity, and a strategy to make equality between people effective regardless of gender. With this, the Kronikgune Institute wants to incorporate the gender perspective in the management of the entity in all its policies and at all levels.
It should be noted that 78% of the staff of the Biosistemak Institute are women and that it is headed by a woman, the Scientific Director Ane Fullaondo Zabala, appointed in the Extraordinary Assembly held on 1 February 2023.
You can access the Biosistemak Institute’s Equality Plan 2022-2026 by clicking here.