The sixth edition took place from 19 to 21 July at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in Australia.
The main theme of this international congress, renowned within the field of positive psychology and positive education, was “Nexus“, i.e. connection. Its scientific programme, aligned with the UPRIGHT project, included presentations about positive education programmes and practices based on resilience in schools all over the world. Research projects about how well-being in education helps improve academic achievement were also presented. More than 1,600 delegates from 60 countries all over the world gathered once again to learn about the state-of-the-art applications based on science and research connected with positive psychology.
Members of the UPRIGHT consortium, including a representative of Kronikgune, presented the project at a workshop organised exclusively about the topic dealt with in the study. UPRIGHT, “Universal Preventive Resilience Intervention Globally implemented in schools to improve and promote mental Health for Teenagers”, aims to promote mental well-being and prevent mental illness, by building resilience in adolescents (12 to 14 years of age) This age-group is exposed to risk factors that may lead to the development of mental health disorders and risky behaviour. The UPRIGHT intervention strengthens the personal confidence and cognitive function of teenagers, empowering them in coping, efficacy, and social and emotional learning, while developing mindfulness practices. The programme developed in the project will extend to all families and the complete school and community, with the goal of improving or creating a mental well-being environment.
The main aim of the workshop was to show the project, its main objectives and expected results. Other parts of the project were also presented: the co-creation stage of the UPRIGHT manual drafted together with mental health experts, its regional versions, and the validation process through qualitative techniques with the five pilot European regions (Basque Country, Trento (Italy), Lower Silesia (Poland), Denmark and the area of Reykjavik in Iceland).
During the workshop, attendees were able to take part in the UPRIGHT experience with an exercise from the manual. Kronikgune explained the intervention, how UPRIGHT is being implemented in schools and how the implementation of the programme is going to be evaluated. The workshop concluded with the presentation of the questionnaires which were developed to measure community resilience of schools.
Participants were extremely interested in how UPRIGHT approaches community resilience. The project focuses on creating a well-being culture in schools by means of joint participation in open activities with families, the educational community and all the students.
At the congress, the UPRIGHT consortium members were able to find out first-hand about the model implemented at Geelong Grammar School in Australia. This is a globally pioneering school working on the implementation of positive psychology throughout the entire school and the creation of a mental well-being environment.
If you want to know more about the congress, click on this link:
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