
6th Conference of the Health Services in Chronic Disease Research Network (REDISSEC)

By |2018-11-21T10:28:46+01:0021 November 2018|

On 25 October 2018 the 6th Conference of the Health Services in Chronic Disease Research Network (REDISSEC) took place in the Ernest Lluch Hall at the Carlos III Health Institute. The conference revolved around research in implementation in the context of healthcare. The aim is to work with healthcare decision-makers to work out how to [...]

5th Conference of the Health Services in Chronic Disease Research Network (REDISSEC)

By |2017-10-26T15:23:21+01:0026 October 2017|

On 26th November 2017 the projects and results obtained to date by REDISSEC will be presented in the Ernest Lluch Room of the Institute of Health Carlos III, Madrid. This 5th conference intends to be a forum for sharing international insights involving Research on Healthcare Services and foster reflecting upon the possible future direction of [...]

Scirocco consortium meets in Bari for second General Assembly.

By |2017-07-18T09:32:35+01:0018 July 2017|

On 27 and 28 June, all the members of the European Scirocco project gathered in AReS Puglia, in the region of Bari, to hold the project’s second General Assembly.  Scirocco, “SCaling IntegRated Care in COntext” aims to provide a validated and proven tool that facilitates the scaling and successful transfer of Good Practices in integrated [...]

Publication of StaRI – Standards for Reporting Implementation Studies

By |2017-03-20T11:18:22+01:0020 March 2017|

The collection and publication of these standards seeks to create a document that includes the recommendations for the improvement and standardisation of publications for reporting implementation studies (“StaRI”). It is an initiative intended for helping researchers develop clear and precise reports of the studies that have been executed and implemented. A systematic review and e-Delphi [...]

Kronikgune launches a new European project: Scirocco.

By |2016-04-25T12:12:07+01:0025 April 2016|

After the “Grant Agreement” signing, the kick-off meeting for the European project SCALING INTEGRATED CARE IN CONTEXT (SCIROCCO) took place in Luxembourg on 12th and 13th April. The Consortium in charge of the project, which will last 32 months, is led by Scotland's National Telehealth and Telecare Organisation NHS24. Scirocco aims to facilitate the implementation [...]

Educational sessions for adolescents aged 12-14 and their families begin as part of the European project Pre-Start.

By |2016-03-14T12:24:15+01:003 February 2016|

50 adolescents and their families have been included in a programme to promote health and a change of life habits. Three basic areas will be covered in this programme: eating, physical activity and emotional health.   This programme has been developed as part of the European project called Pre-Start, Prevention Strategies for Adolescents at Risk of [...]