All the project partners gathered in London on 9-10 May 2019.

At this Assembly, participants analysed the work carried out over the past six months, planned the main tasks to be undertaken over the next few months, and prepared the second official project review with the European Commission.

The main goal of the C3-Cloud Project is to develop personalised evidence-based healthcare plans for multimorbid patients, supported by ICT tools and managed by a multidisciplinary team. C3-Cloud aims to foster integrated care and increase patient and/or carer involvement. A pilot phase of the project will be carried out in three European regions: South Warwickshire (UK), the Basque Country and Jämtland Härjedalen (Sweden).

The project is in its final phase and final year. The main activities in this phase will be the deployment and execution of the pilot study and its evaluation. The C3-Cloud system is made up of two interconnected platforms: one for patients and one for professionals. Both have already been tested and deployed in pre-production environments in the three pilot regions. The main challenge in this process was to resolve and ensure interoperability between C3-Cloud and local systems, in these areas: technical (information exchange protocols), structural (format translation), semantic (correlation map between concepts and their codes), privacy and security. Contingency plans were put in place in order to reduce possible risks during the intervention and evaluation. Current activities focus on completing platform deployment and testing in the three production environments (UK, Sweden and the Basque Country). The intervention will start once the deployment is complete.

The Basque Country, represented by Osakidetza and Kronikgune, is currently carrying out the deployment of the pilot phase in seven Integrated Healthcare Organisations (IHOs). Osakidetza has already implemented the necessary elements for the deployment of the computer platforms. All the organisational aspects required for the start-up of the intervention are also in place. Meanwhile, Kronikgune has been in charge of preparing and executing the local plan and providing training materials for participants in the three pilot regions.