Biosistemak starts its participation in the MENTOR Joint Action focused on improving mental health in Europe

The event, held on 8-9 October 2024 in Riga, Latvia, has defined the first activities and core objectives to be pursued.

Biosistemak has participated in the kick-off meeting of the European project MENTOR (Mental Health Together), organised by the National Centre for Mental Health (NPVC) of Latvia. The event has marked the formal start of this Joint Action, where the objectives for the coming years have been defined and the work plans of the different work packages (WPs) have been presented, covering key areas such as management, dissemination of results and impact assessment. The next steps in which the different European entities and organisations will be involved in addressing mental health have also been established.

The MENTOR project aims to transform mental health policies and practices in Europe, especially for vulnerable groups such as young people, migrants, refugees and/or people displaced by the war in Ukraine. The initiative also focuses on promoting mental health through innovative tools, the inclusion of people with lived experience in the development of services and programmes, and the use of digital solutions for the prevention and treatment of mental disorders.

A comprehensive approach to mental health in Europe

During the first consortium meeting, the importance of adopting a Mental Health in All Policies (MHIAP) approach and the use of digital technologies to improve access to mental health interventions, services or programmes has been highlighted, which will contribute to improving the quality of life of millions of people in Europe.

The project initiatives to be defined and implemented in the MENTOR framework are expected to contribute to improving accessibility to services, reducing mental health inequalities and fostering social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups. The project is expected to provide evidence-based digital solutions and to the implementation of inclusive and sustainable public mental health policies in Europe.

The role of Biosistemak

Biosistemak is the Competent Authority at the national level, leading the coordination of a consortium of eight Affiliated Entities, including leading research centres and health services in Spain:  Subdirección General de Adicciones, VIH, ETS y Hepatitis Víricas de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Fundació de Recerca Clínic Barcelona (IDIBAPS), Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (HCB), Instituto Català d’Oncologia (ICO), Fundación Instituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL), Fundación para la Formación e Investigación Sanitarias de la Región de Murcia (FFIS), Servicio Murciano de Salud (SMS), Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS) and Fundación para la Formación e Investigación de los Profesionales de la Salud de Extremadura (FundeSalud).

In the same way , coordinates the Evaluation work package (WP3) through which indicators will be defined to monitor the quality of the project and the satisfaction of the end-users targeted by the interventions, to assess the relevance of the results according to the needs of the target groups, and to measure the impact of the project in Europe in key areas such as sustainability, social inclusion and innovative digital solutions.

For more information on the project, click here.