The congress was held from 5 to 7 June 2023 in Rome, Italy.
The main theme of the 28th edition of the leading Healthcare Management conference was “Healthcare Management: sustainable solutions for complex systems”. For three days, opportunities, best practices and innovations for evolving healthcare systems were analysed. Experiences and projects on innovative solutions for sustainable and resilient health systems were shared to address different challenges and areas by health systems and the people involved.
The 2023 edition was an opportunity to bring together health professionals, policymakers, academics, managers and researchers at the European level to share knowledge, results, projects and best practices on relevant health management topics. The conference addressed five main themes: People-centred systems; Health technology and digital transformation; Health workforce of the future; Sustainable and resilient health systems; and Access, delivery and outcomes of healthcare.
Biosistemak Institute (formerly Kronikgune) has sponsored the conference for the second consecutive year, has organised a thematic workshop in the framework of the JADECARE and shared as well different works and pilots implemented in the ADLIFE and Gatekeeper projects.
JADECARE Joint Action: coordinated by Biosistemak (formerly Kronikgune)
- Modality: Workshop
- Title: How to ensure the sustainability of the transfer of good practices to heterogeneous contexts? Sharing the results of the JADECARE Joint Action.
- Description: This workshop has focused on presenting the results of the JADECARE implementation process and exploring the key elements to support the sustainability of good practice transfer beyond the Joint Action. The JADECARE sustainability strategy has been presented, which sets out three key elements: policy environment, ownership of sustainability, and a culture of collaboration and consensus building. Two Early Adopters, Andalusia and Hungary, presented the results of the implementation of their local good practices and their work to build the sustainability of Good Practices beyond JADECARE.
ADLIFE Project: coordinated by Biosistemak (formerly Kronikgune)
ADLIFE (GA 875209) project aims to promote the patient-centred approach through the measurement of health outcomes. The project is focused on working on the different digital solutions that enable the personalisation of care plans, and improve adaptive and early responsiveness to the changing needs and preferences of patients with advanced chronic diseases.
- Oral Presentation 1
Title: Digital Help to talk more about death and dying: incorporating Advance Care Planning into integrated care management tools.
- Oral Presentation 2
Title: Implementing the SHARE model in the ADLIFE project to drive shared decision-making with a patient-centred approach.
- Oral presentation 3
Title: Designing, implementing and managing integrated person-centred care using standard operating procedures and quality improvement methodologies.
- Modality: Oral Communication
- Title: Management of polypharmacy in patients with chronic diseases using digital tools. The study has been implemented in Osakidetza to assess the effectiveness and experience of the intervention of the use of a mobile application (My Treatment) to improve adherence and with the use of a web platform (CheckTheMeds) to optimise pharmacological prescription.